70. Zombie Aporkalypse
October 30th, 2009

70. Zombie Aporkalypse

Happy Halloweeeeen!

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  1. papa mick

    oink returns from the dead and meets faraday.could this be the start of a series.

  2. papa mick

    …………..series of close encounters.

  3. Alotron

    Yeah it’s amazing how easy my brain finds it to draw pigs! Misspent youth and all that!

  4. Cranky Mc Stab

    Orwell Returns! The Resemblance is uncanny.

  5. Spacetrawler - 05/12/11 – Planet Wrlrlrl, by Alan Ryan

    [...] so much else. So definitely, check out his site and trawl the archives. Who would want to miss the Zombie Aporkalypse, or an explanation nobody will ever believe, or how redecorating decisions are made in Life’s [...]

  6. Jeremy T

    Mr Elf has the unfortunate side-effect of growing two extra arms in panel 5, it seems

  7. Alotron

    You mean panel 7? It’s actually two seperate panels, should probably have closed the speech bubble in the panel below.

  8. Jeremy T

    oooh, that makes more sense, ok

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