Hi! I’ve had a couple of queries about the blog/site recently, so thought I’d add a little update. I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to keep things active around here, but I’ve been very busy over the last year or so and drawn more comic pages in that time than in the previous three or four years combined!
Anyone that would like to keep up with what I’m doing can check out my Tumblr which I’ve been using to post sketches and doodles - alotron.tumblr.com
The way people use and access the internet is changing at a vertiginous rate, it seems, from the open web-browser, dedicated website model to the mobile internet model of linked app-silos (Facebook. Twitter, Tumblr etc), and we creators have to move with it, I think. I’ll probably start posting full comics on those sites as well as here, so give me a follw if you feel like it! This site will of course remain and I’ll continue to update it with new stuff as and when, and it serves as a nice archive.
The web is dead, long live the internet!
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