104. Les Connoisseurs
July 30th, 2010

104. Les Connoisseurs

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  1. Tweeva

    Oh, great. Now I know my life will never be complete until I have a Norwegian crimson bog squirrel.

  2. Bearman

    I think most wine tastes like that.

  3. Tweets that mention Faraday the Blob » Archive » 104. Les Connoisseurs -- Topsy.com

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Alan Ryan, Patrick Brown. Patrick Brown said: @Alotron – fantastic Faraday strip! http://www.faradaytheblob.com/?p=461 [...]

  4. Hiller

    I actually had the misfortune to smell a mouldering turnip last week in our allotment, absolutely vile. Top job as always Alotron.

  5. Ciarán

    Tá tú ar-am arís. This is definitely the twilight zone..

  6. Alotron

    Thanks for the comments, wine-snobs :)

  7. motivational speaker

    hahaha… they were right after all.

  8. Weekly Virginia Wine News Roundup: 7-9-11 | Virginia Wine Trips

    [...] Check out this great wine-centric edition of a great web comic The Weekly Virginia Wine News Roundup: 7-9-11 by Virginia Wine Trips, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Posted under VA wine news roundup,Virginia Wine and tagged with swirl sip snark, virginia wine blog, virginia wine blogs, virginia wine news, virginia wine trips Comments (0) [...]

  9. dickot

    What? No Bolivian Unicyclist’s Jockstrap?

  10. Alotron

    That’s a key ingredient of their ‘Chardonnay’…

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