108. The Magic Eye
September 6th, 2010

108. The Magic Eye

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    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by WSHD, Alan Ryan. Alan Ryan said: Night Owls ~ Open the doors of perception with the latest Faraday comic http://bit.ly/bBCxFq #comics #webcomics #stereogram [...]

  3. Keoghbot

    Panel 11 reminds me of – “..the Kaiser!” …classic.

  4. aoife

    trippy man! xox

  5. kevin

    love it. i recently broke out one of my own ’1995′ magic eye books. they still rule.

  6. amuletts

    This made me lol muchly, particularly the surreal bit at the end. I do remember Magic Eye. I couldn’t do all of them though and some just weren’t very good. After an hour or so staring at a page you don’t want the payoff to be “Id that it?!! Oh man…”

  7. Alotron

    @ Kevin @Amuletts – I still remember the first time I ‘got’ one of the magic eye pictures – It felt like a first step into a larger world ::) – but yes they did eventually fall foul of the law of diminishing returns

  8. joe

    llol! brilliant. ‘oh look, a pony!’

  9. CX316

    That last panel…. is almost entirely made of Bejeweled sprites O.o

  10. koanhead

    Heh. Y’all should check out a program called “razzle”. I know it’s available for Linux, it may or may not exist on other platforms. It is a random constantly-changing 3D stereogram generator. It is the greatest possible proof I’ve yet seen that stoners are well represented in the Open Source world. Also it’s well trippy.

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