124. Democratically Processed
March 5th, 2011

124. Democratically Processed

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  1. aoife

    phew – suddenly Ireland seems like such a pleasant positive place!

  2. pappamick

    Brilliant. As they say careful for what you wish for.

  3. Ciarán

    Is this a direct parody of Irish politics? (Obviously blue uniforms are to distributed here now!)

    Compliments to the well spoken radio presenter ;)

  4. Alotron

    Aoife/Mick/Ciarán – The price of freedom is eternal vigilance! It’s a cautionary tale against the dangers of cynicism and complacency. Ciarán – Fixed! every FtB strip arrives with a complement of typos that get fixed over the course of the next 24 hours or so… See if you can catch ‘em all!

  5. Brad

    Can’t wait to see Faraday’s uniform.

    Welcome back! Zorgox’s goons look wicked, by the way.

  6. Bearman

    On the postive side, Faraday won’t have to worry about anal probes.

  7. bman

    Reminds me of that Tree House of Horror episode of The Simpsons where Homer goes to a future where Ned Flanders is the king! Nice work.

  8. Alotron

    Brad - Cheers – I was definitely channeling my 15 year old self when I was drawing the enforcers. Judge Blobb, anyone?
    Bearman - O_o
    bman - Yes! That last panel is a loving homage to that particular episode :)

  9. Brad


  10. Alotron

    Heidely-ho, Slaverinos!

  11. bman

    Excellent! I thought the smiling seemed appropriate!

  12. Sanfransam

    Wow! You were just five years too early.

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