128. A Remarkable Sunset
May 29th, 2011

128. A Remarkable Sunset

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  1. Helen

    I imagine this is what the Rapture will look like!! Love it!

  2. aoife

    that’s one cool polar bear!

  3. Sandy

    I love the flaming hands in the sun, way cool.
    And ‘Jumping Dolphins’ is now the opposite of ‘jumping the shark’, courtesy of this drawing. I’m gonna say that every time I see something I like; ‘Jumpin’ Dolphins, that’s great!’

  4. bman

    That is pretty fantastic! Unicorns and all! :D

  5. Brad

    The only thing better would be giant dolphin keytars.

  6. Gwen


  7. Colm

    Flying cheeseburger!! Genius! ;)

  8. Justin

    Amazing imagery. I’m sure whatever was in the coffee mug was mighty strong.

  9. Alotron

    Cheers everyone!
    Helen – If that’s what the rapture is like I’m signing up!
    Aoife – Keytars just make everything instantly groovy.
    Sandy – I like it! Let’s try and meme that up… Oh, have you read Crowbar Benson recently? It’s totally jumping the dolphin these days ;)
    Brad – Bah – A missed opportunity! There will be dolphin shaped keytars in a future comic. oh yes.

  10. Brad

    Don’t get me wrong, my head would explode if I ever saw this. The burgerfly was an especially nice touch!

  11. Bearman

    Either I need to stop drinking before I read your stuff or you have to stop before drawing it..haha

  12. Alotron

    Brad – Burgerfly with a dolphin shaped keytar, on a burgerphone.
    Bearman – Juss… what’re you …sayin’ *hic*

  13. bemilm

    holy moley, so much awesome. can we get that last panel on a tshirt?

  14. ch2112

    Oh Shirt would be so awesomeness!!!!!

  15. ch2112

    Shirt of the second to last panel in all it’s Keytar glory, that is

  16. jynksie

    You had a bad mushroom when you drew this one, didn;t you?!? *smirk* …I say this cause where I’m from, my sun doesn’t have teeth!

  17. Jason Poland

    Can I rent this sunset for parties?

  18. Alotron

    Bemilm/ch2112 – Hmm, it might actually make a pretty cool shirt alright, bit of a conversation starter…
    Jynksie - No teeth? Just the three staring eyes then? O_o_O
    Jason - That can be arranged! [...as the party goers assembled on the verandah, stirring echoes like colossal synth chords being played at a great distance on an enormous keytar were heard intermittently on the evening breeze; the air took on a peculiarly carmine iridescence and shoals of what seemed like tiny jewelled plankton shimmered on the periphery of vision...]

  19. ch2112

    [...as the party goers assembled on the verandah, stirring echoes like colossal synth chords being played at a great distance on an enormous keytar were heard intermittently on the evening breeze; the air took on a peculiarly carmine iridescence and shoals of what seemed like tiny jewelled plankton shimmered on the periphery of vision...]

    How Douglas Adams…. ;-)

  20. Bradley J. Timm

    This is the best.

  21. Awesome

    I literally spit all over my keyboard at Faraday’s face in the last panel.

  22. justme

    Reminds me of Pikachu’s trip in “Pikachu on Acid”. Can even hear the music in my head while looking at it XD

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