100% Dundee
First things first (in case you missed it on the Facebook page) – I’m in The Beano!
This is a bit of a dream come true, and goes part of the way to explaining why there’s been little or no activity on this site for a while. If you’re in the UK or Ireland (and possibly elsewhere, I’m not sure…) why not pick up a copy and check out the mini-strip I’ve got running for the next six weeks starring ‘Danny Diddly O’Donoghue’; it’s a leprechaun-themed parody of rock-star incongruence told via the 3-panel medium! I’ll be doing a few more things for them after that as well too
If you’ve got young people in your life, you could do a lot worse than gifting them a copy of the comic – while its new direction may have upped the pop-culture references, it still retains its humour and trademark mildly anarchic charm. All the old characters are still there, and some have been given timely makeovers to bring them more into the 21st Century – in particular Jamie Smart’s hilarious and energetic reboot of Rodger the Dodger (who seemed weirdly anachronistic even back in the 80s when I was a kid), and Alexander Matthews’ fantastic re-imagining of Ball Boy.
In the meantime, Faraday lives on in my sketchbooks, forever threatening to make a return. I don’t feel like this site is moribund, or even on hiatus – life moves at such a fast pace that sometimes even I get a shock when I realise the last ‘new’ Faraday was in December last year! Faraday is a labour of love, and each strip takes a bit of time to produce from script to screen – so I’ve decided to launch a sister-site (EmbassyofMars.com – don’t look, there’s nothing there at the moment!) asap where I can put sketches and non-Faraday stuff including the B&W comics that appear on this site as ‘intermissions’. There’ll be a proper announcement when it’s up and running & I promise I’ll do my best to get something going again here soon!
Cheers all,
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