102. Cat’s outta the Bag
July 18th, 2010

102. Cat’s outta the Bag

The seven Lords of Mew had some mad ideas.  And some sweet merch.

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  1. aoife

    This reminded me of reading Milan Kundera with my cat be me side… Maybe i should have been reading the cat with the book be me side. xox

  2. Tweets that mention Faraday the Blob » Archive » 102. Cat’s outta the Bag -- Topsy.com

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Patrick Brown, Patrick Brown, Walter Shuler, Walter Shuler, Alan Ryan and others. Alan Ryan said: Hey fudgemonkeys – the cat's out of the bag in the new FtB comic: http://bit.ly/bgGQrg RT if ye like it! #webcomics #cats #klang #comics [...]

  3. Woodcutters 1 | Crowbar Benson

    [...] snagged the technique for panel two from ‘Faraday the Blob‘, one of my favorite webcomics… cheers! [...]

  4. K


  5. Tephlon

    heh. Is that a royal I_We?

  6. Alotron

    Aoife – ‘The unbearable lightness of being a cat?’
    K - thanks!
    Tephlon – Yes, followers of the Seven Lords of Mew regard themselves not as individual beings with all the associated free will implications, but as aspects of a single worthless fuzzy entity…

  7. The Dude

    That’s the first time I’ve heard someone use the word “liminal” without sounding like a total ass. And it was a cat. Wow.

  8. Captain Scratchy

    Oh, cat. You have shredded my soul like so much left-on-the-floor tissue paper.

  9. Doseck

    I trust you would not have reservations if I placed a part of Faraday the Blob 102. ‘Cat’s outta the Bag’ on my univeristy blog?

  10. Johny Mayams

    Great writing – witty and original. Keep up the good work

  11. Alotron

    Thanks Johny!

  12. JP

    This is up there with the yeats loaf.

  13. Spacetrawler - 05/12/11 – Planet Wrlrlrl, by Alan Ryan

    [...] The first strip I read of Alan’s, or perhaps the first which caught my eye was his HP Lovecraft “Printer of Darkness” strip, which totally got me hooked.And there is so much else. So definitely, check out his site and trawl the archives. Who would want to miss the Zombie Aporkalypse, or an explanation nobody will ever believe, or how redecorating decisions are made in Life’s a Picnic, of being that Alan is Irish he aptly deals with any rainbow myths you may hold with Rainbow’s End, or have fun with Mr Elf’s Bad Day, or learn what cats are really saying in Cat’s Outta The Bag. [...]

  14. Icalasari

    Seven lords of Mew?

    What, they worship a Pokemon?

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