Intermission: Boomerang Love
December 3rd, 2010

Intermission: Boomerang Love

Normal Service will be resumed …shortly.

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  1. WannabeHero

    Ha ha, Nice. Love the art as well. :D

  2. jynksie

    The only way you could disappoint your readers is by NOT updating! You should do more of these “intermissions”! =) …just sayin!

  3. Alotron

    Cheers guys! Jynksie – This intermission will last a few weeks at least :)

  4. Sandy

    Due to cutbacks in the Irish economy, Faraday will now be three panels long, and colour is a luxury Ireland can no longer afford. Fortunately, the humour and artistic abilities remain intact!

    (Nice shot of Ayer’s Rock, btw!)

  5. Tweets that mention Faraday the Blob » Archive » Intermission: Boomerang Love --

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Walter Shuler and Alan Ryan, Alan Ryan. Alan Ryan said: Intermisson comix: Boomerang Love #comics #webcomics [...]

  6. Alotron

    Sandy – Hilarious and frighteningly realistic O_o I’ll be applying to the IMF for a pixel bailout loan – maybe one extra panel guys? R & G instead of full RGB? In the long run it looks like we’ll be making short, monochrome comics in this country for generations :(

  7. Tweeva

    Ahahahahaha! That is all.

  8. Tony

    Ha Ha love it Alan, I just did a week long series of boomerang cartoons on my site.

  9. Hadron Colliderscope - Glowbug

    [...] don’t know if everyone gets this, but I can’t look at Alan’s work without laughing. I mean that in the best possible way. Look at those expressions and that [...]

  10. Christalyn Pagente

    Lol, He really knew that she can’t leave. And be back soon. I love the way you make story in you comics because there a sense on what made;)

  11. marta

    I love the middle panel where he appears to be thinking on want to say next. Couldn’t have been the first time but but the doubt is always there. :-)

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